Hi! I'm Nat

I'm a photographer, wife, mother and lover of all things vintage and retro.

I've been photographing couples and families in Central Queensland for over 10 years and love what I do.

I have always had a love of photographs. As a child I would spend hours sifting through my parents photos, asking my mum (who has always been a great photographer) to tell me the stories that went with the images. She would tell me the same stories over and over again, but I kept asking to hear them. I loved the magical way the photos took her back to places in her history. And like her, I love having something solid, something tangible, to take me back and relive my memories.

So that's what I aim to do as a photographer, capture your moments as they are. Not over polish them and make them something different. I want you to look at your photographs and be taken back to that moment of your history.

If this sounds like what you are looking for your in your photographs, please get in touch.

Some random facts about me


I grew up in the bush in a really small little community. I spent my days outside adventuring and creating fun.

So I am not afraid to get a little dirty, or go walking through the long grass if it means getting the shot


I am obsessed with 1960's & 1970's vintage orange kitchenware. I have more mugs and cups than I can possibly use in a lifetime and I will still buy more when I see it


I learnt the principals of photography on a manual film camera, developing my film and images in a dark room. There was no auto focus or viewing your images as soon as you shot them, sometimes it might be weeks before you get to see the shot!